The seals for plate heat exchangers APV Q030 are gaskets made from various materials that have several modifications.
EPDM (Sokr. from Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) - ethylene-propylene rubber EPDM, withsting heat exchanger operation at a coolant temperature up to +150 ... +160 0 s. The EPDM material is suitable for the operation of the APV Q030 heat exchanger with steam and water without oily inclusions.
NBR (Sokr. from Nitrile Buna-N Rubber) - Butadiene Acrylo-nitrile rubber with the maximum operating temperature of the coolant +120 0 s. The NBR material is suitable for the operation of the APV Q030 heat exchanger with steam, water, mineral and vegetable oils.
NBRP (Sokr. from Nitrile Buna-n Rubber Peroxide) - Superior Butadiene Acrylo-nitrile rubber with maximum operating temperature of the coolant +130 0 with due to adding components to the original raw materials, Enhancement of the operating temperature of the seal. The NBRP material as well as NBR is suitable for the operation of the APV Q030 heat exchanger with steam, water, mineral and vegetable oils.
Special compaction materials APV Q030:
HNBR (Soc. The HNBR material is suitable for the operation of the APV Q030 heat exchanger with mineral and vegetable oils. Especially often used in steam heat exchangers - oil, in which the operation mode allows for the temperature to +145 0 C (briefly up to 155 0 c).
Viton - Steam ® - (steam viton). Also known as a variety of FPM fluoride rubber. The material refers to a group of special temperature resistance materials and is designed for plate heat exchangers APV Q030, in which steam from the operating temperature is used as a coolant to +200 0 s. The heat exchangers APV Q030 with seals from the Viton - Steam material are most often used on boilers as the main water heaters.
FPM - G (Viton - G ® ) is a variety of material Viton for applying on heat exchangers APV Q030 par-oil.
Note: Viton ® is a registered trademark of Dupont. -
Butyl - ht (butyl) is a special chemically resistant material, heat exchangers with seals from which are intended in particular to heal alcohol and alcohol-containing media, since ordinary materials (for example EPDM) do not withstand contact with alcohol.
Hypalon, Sylicon, Neopren - special chemically resistant compaction materials APV Q030 for purely specific applications.
E8 company specialists will help you choose the material that is most suitable for the price /service life ratio.
Call by phone +7 (499) 350-29-88.
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