About the quality and cost of seals
The E8 company is one of the first in the Russian market who set and fulfilled the task of reducing the costs of our customers for the purchase of expensive seals and plates. This practice has been successfully applied in the European Union for many years. Now this practice exists in the Russian Federation.
The seal for the plate heat exchanger is a responsible part that ensures the tightness of the heat exchanger plate package, but nevertheless, this part is quite simple to manufacture, of course, provided that high-quality molds, presses and rubber compound are used for its manufacture. The simplicity of manufacturing determines its cost. At the same time, heat exchanger assembly companies are trying to protect the market and are trying to sell spare parts independently and at inflated prices., while not being a manufacturer of spare parts.
Recently, we have received several letters from our regular customers, which served as the reason for writing this article. The appeals are made by manufacturers who claim that the quality of spare parts supplied by E8 is not confirmed by the assembler ("manufacturer"), and the equipment, in the case of using spare parts supplied by E8, can be removed from the warranty. These statements are perceived by us as an unsuccessful attempt to protect the market, and are an attempt to mislead the organization operating the heat exchanger. The warranty for the equipment is 1, sometimes 2 years, and the repair of the heat exchanger is carried out at least 5-7 years after its manufacture, therefore, at the time of replacing the seals, the warranty period has long expired. The statement that the equipment can be withdrawn from the technological process is perceived as absurd, since ownership passes from the manufacturer to the buyer at the time of sale and the buyer has the right to
Most heat exchanger assemblers do not certify and do not control their quality of spare parts, and also do not have staff capable of repairing heat exchangers.
Thus, when buying spare parts from assemblers, you not only overpay double and sometimes triple the cost of plates and seals, but also risk receiving non-certified goods, the quality of which the assembler is not able to confirm.
We recommend purchasing spare parts for heat exchangers bypassing resellers.